ONC Multimedia Manager

Welcome to iBase, containing over 10,000 images and video from Ocean Networks Canada's curated, high-resolution digital media collection.

Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) operates world-leading observatories in the deep ocean and coastal waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic coasts of Canada as well as the Southern Ocean, collecting ocean data that accelerates scientific discovery and makes possible services and solutions for a resilient planet. ONC’s cabled observatories supply continuous power and Internet connectivity to scientific instruments, cameras, and 12,000-plus ocean sensors. ONC also operates mobile and land-based assets, including coastal radar. ONC is an initiative of the University of Victoria and is funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Government of Canada.

ONC Folger Instruments 2K 3D 1.4AR v6

*Please note that 2023/24 content updates are ongoing. If you are unable to find the digital assets that you seek, please reach out to Comms at multimedia@oceannetworks.ca